Features and Benefits


  • Marriage Contracts: Couples can create and sign marriage contracts using smart contracts, ensuring a secure and transparent agreement that cannot be altered.

  • Wedding Witnessing: Influencers and artists can become wedding witnesses and earn a fee by attending the weddings of their followers as official witnesses.

  • WBTC asset: Married couples can encrust the WBTC asset in their NFT wedding ring by making the appropriate addition in a smart contract. In case of divorce, this asset will provide financial security for one spouse or couple.

  • Smart Contracts: Web3Wed smart contracts to automate various processes such as payments, escrow, and dispute resolution, ensuring a secure and transparent platform.


  • Increased Transparency: Using blockchain technology and smart contracts ensures that all transactions and agreements are recorded and cannot be altered, increasing transparency and trust in the platform.

  • Enhanced Security: Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions and agreements are secure and cannot be forged.

  • Securing the couple's financial arrangements: Inlaying WBTC asset in the NFT wedding ring provides financial security in case of divorce.

  • Community Building: The platform creates a community of like-minded individuals who value marriage and support each other in their journey.

Last updated